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# 8 poem
Poem without an End BY YEHUDA AMICHAI TRANSLATED BY CHANA BLOCH Inside the brand-new museum there’s an old synagogue. Inside the...
# Poetry 7 Charles Simic
The Voice at 3am Charles Simic I read Charles Simic’s The Voice at 3am. Selected Late and New Poems. It was strange to read this book and...
Poetry # 6 Czeslaw Milosz
Epiphany is an unveling of reality
Poetry # 5 Anne Boyer
MeToo time for muse?
Poem 1
Out in the bay, calm, the shiver of wave, palette of shale...
Poetry # 4 Kathryn Maris
In Lisa Baraitser’s Enduring Time, she mines the term ‘psychosocial studies’. She quotes Judith Butler from the foreword to Psychosocial...
Poetry # 3 Jay Bernard, Devin Johnston
Surge - Jay Bernard An archive of black radical British history is explored against the backdrop of the Grenfell and Windrush scandals......
Poetry # 2 Paul Celan
Assisi Again, the surprise of something that seems to bypass my conscious understanding yet lives happily ever after somewhere in the...
Poetry # 1 Paul Durcan
Poetry Project
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