A man is running for his life...
A man is running for his life. Running helps the brain to regenerate.
Over time, he forgets himself. He grows more interested in the trees, the history, the life of the park. A conversation with a horse chestnut reveals the nature of healthy being.
Then he stops.
Slowly, he starts again…
A poetic meditation is inspired by something beyond the ego with live musical accompaniment from Rachel Ní Chuinn and original video projection by Francis Matthews, drawing you into the restorative ambience and rhythm of nature.
Supported by The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon. Developed at Scene + Heard 2017.
Photo: Naomi Goodman Video: Francis Matthews
Preview Sep 12 @ 13.00
Dates Sep 13, 14, 19, 20, 21 @ 13.00 Tickets 12.00
Other performance date Sep 22 @12.00
Duration 60 mins
Venue: Project Arts Centre
Tickets available at www.fringefest.com