In writing this blog I’ve learned at least one thing: writing is better than not writing. It’s taken too long to be able to make that blindingly simple observation. I’ve spent most of the years and the few lives on offer, not writing. I suppose I had to learn how to suspend my own critic.
I’ve learnt another thing. Seamus Heaney and WB Yeats seem to be working away in the background. I see them as guides in helping to understand an art that I care about. Others might see them as perpetuators of patriarchy or worse. Sometimes the cyber security software slows things to a standstill. Why I remember their words is not because of their biogs.
My primary aim is not in critiquing poems, instead celebrate the fact that writing opens the potential for celebrating what is.
Existence is a function of relationship – Alan Watts
I’m interested in the way poems can come from somewhere bigger than the self.
I had wanted to write about ‘cut-through’. (Stares at the screen for minutes, mouth open) Just that sometimes I suspect that I don’t ‘get’ things, I otherwise would. But there’s no doubt about the impact of Anne Boyer’s Garments Against Women. I ‘get’ things but the difficulty lies in the clear communication of such reception. But Anne Boyer’s Garments Against Women makes an impression. Not a palpable impact. Rather a wholesale reorientation of the world.
A world is in fact the projection of meaningful patterns onto the surrounding space of lived experience, and the sharing of a common code whose key lies in the forms of life of the community itself - Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi
Demystify inspiration. Is it Metoo time for the muse?
Garments Against Women made me want to watch less television.And I did.
My attention is compromised
Yeah but isn’t everyone’s?
Maybe but my attention isn’t what it used to be.
I know, I’m the same…
Fuck off and get Parkinson’s, then we can struggle to talk.
But I do have Parkinson’s
Do you?
Yeah, of course I do.
A law that exceeds the bounds of law
What is that law but poetry
Anne Boyer
For better, further reading:
